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Newtown Cultural Arts Commission (NCAC)
December 17, 2009
Meeting Minutes

The Newtown Cultural Arts Commission (NCAC) held a meeting on Thursday, December 17, 2009 at 7:00 PM at the Town Hall South Conference Room, 3 Main Street, Newtown, CT.

Members Present:  Martin Blanco, Emily Howard, Jennifer Johnston, Donna Mangiafico, Jennifer Rogers

Members Absent:  Joe Grasso, Rob Kaiser, Linda Watson

Auxiliary Members Present:  None

Guest:  Kate Katcher

Jennifer Johnston called the meeting to order at 7:05 PM.

The following items were discussed, but could not be accepted as a quorum was not met:
  • Minutes of November 19, 2009 Meeting
  • Election of Officers
  • 2010-2011 Budget
  • 2010 Calendar
The 2010-2011 Budget was discussed.  The members present agreed upon an amount to be submitted.  Jennifer Johnston will submit a budget request on behalf of the NCAC as the deadline is before the January 28, 2009 meeting.

Nominations and elections for Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, and Secretary were tabled until the January meeting.

Donna Mangiafico presented the 2010 calendar.  She will submit it to the Town Clerk’s Office.

Officer Reports:
Jennifer Johnston reported that she has scheduled a meeting with Pat Llodra, our First Selectman, to discuss the Newtown Cultural Arts Commission.

Martin Blanco discussed the Town Hall Board of Managers.  He shared his concern that several statements submitted as part of their meeting minutes were misleading.  In particular, reporting that NCAC bills were not paid on time.  The minutes did not reflect that the NCAC was waiting for the Board of Managers to produce an invoice so that the NCAC could submit it to the Town to be paid or that the Town held off cutting checks until the first week of December because of the change in elected officials.  He noted that The Town has cut their checks and the NCAC has paid the Board of Managers upon receipt of an invoice.  He also indicated that it was reported in the Board of Managers minutes that there was poor attendance at Flagpole Radio Café performances.  Martin announced that the performances have been well-attended and that there were 374 people at the December 5th performance even with inclement weather.  Martin is also concerned that effort to improve communication between the NCAC and Town Hall Board of Managers has not been assisted by the liaison assigned in May of 2009.  The Town Hall Board of Managers liaison, to date, has not attended any NCAC meetings or returned any of four calls to discuss the NCAC.  

The following events were discussed:
  • Flagpole Radio Café – no less than 374 people attended the December 5, 2009 performance.  Future shows (guest artists and venue) were discussed.  The next performance is scheduled on February 6, 2010.
  • Play With Your Food – 49 people attended the December 17, 2009 luncheon and performance.  The feedback from attendees was excellent.  It was agreed that the next two performances, February 18, 2010 and April 8, 2010, would be limited to 75 attendees due to space limitations in the Alexandria Room.
  • The January 11, 2010 Newtown Cultural Arts Community Meet and Greet event was discussed.  Invitations will go out the week of December 20, 2009.
  • The January 30, 2010 Whiffenpoofs concert was discussed. The event will take place at the Newtown Middle School Auditorium at 7:30 PM.
Pubic Participation:  None

Other Business:  None

The next meeting will be held on Thursday, January 28, 2010, 7:00 PM at the Newtown Municipal Center, 3 Primrose Street, Newtown, CT.

Respectfully submitted,
Donna Mangiafico
Our Mission:  To create a greater awareness of the arts in our community through educating, enhancing, and promoting diverse cultural opportunities for Newtown.